LISTENER DRIVEN RADIO Announces 22 New Affiliates In Latest Wave Of Radio Station Launches

Listener Driven Radio

Listener Driven RadioListener Driven Radio (LDR), the digital platform allowing listeners to program their favorite radio stations, boasts 22 new stations in North America including new arrivals Now 96.3 FM in Minneapolis, and stations within Citadel Broadcasting, CBS, Peak Broadcasting, Border Media, and Gap Broadcasting. Also added as an affiliate is LaGardere Group in Europe, including Virgin Radio France, which receives 1.4 million listeners daily across the country and has generated over 90,000 daily votes using LDR.

Listener Driven Radio offers “crowdcasting” tools to broadcasters, created by radio people for the radio industry. The brainchild of McVay New Media President, Daniel Anstandig, LDR is ground breaking software that empowers listeners and consumers to become programming collaborators, fostering loyalty via real time interaction. Listeners can access a radio station’s playlist via mobile or the station’s website and vote for their favorite songs. Input and voting from listeners directly affects the music played on the station—playing more popular songs faster. The platform also automatically emails and instant messages listeners who opt in, informing them that their favorite track plays on the air. It is totally customizable for each station.

LDR has also helped stations to get more action in the social media space, engaging with listeners on over 80 different social networks, including Facebook, MySpace, Friendster, and Twitter.

LDR is recognized in the broadcast industry for its ease-of-use, applications, ability to generate revenue and increase ratings. Radio stations in major metropolitan and regional markets elsewhere in the U.S., Europe, Canada, the African and Asia-Pacific regions are scheduled for LDR roll-out before the end of June. For examples of LDR stations that are live and active now, log on to these radio websites:

Author: Losillë
Mother, wife and kinda old.

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