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Powered by 6v battery and standing at 128cm tall, it features 360 degree steering with lights and 10 Dalek sounds. Fully licensed by BBC Worldwide Limited, this is a must-have for all Dr Who fans! Zappies is exclusively distributing the world’s first ride-in Dalek.
Love time traveling? Then the Tardis Mug is the perfect drinking accessory for you, although you won’t be using this to guzzle down beers, but rather, sip your favorite hot beverage. This Tardis-style mug will definitely have the Dr. Who mood, since whenever you pour some hot tea or coffee in it and then take it somewhere cold, you will be able to enjoy watching steam pouring out of it. Heck, it looks so real, it even comes complete with the St. John Ambulance badge as well as white notice on the door. At $15.99 a pop, you won’t be traveling through time anytime soon, but you can stop time as people look at your cool mug.