On Nov. 19, 1969, Apollo 12 astronauts Pete Conrad and Alan Bean landed on the lunar surface in Oceanus Procellarum, . They retrieved the equipment that had landed there in 1967.
The device was put into a sterile bag, returned to earth and removed in a sterile room. What they found was a small colony of common bacteria — Streptococcus Mitis — INSIDE the camera. The obvious conclusion was that the bacteria was a living organism from the moon.
Official explanation, “50 to 100 of the microbes appeared to have survived launch, the harsh vacuum of space, three years of exposure to the moon’s radiation environment, the lunar deep-freeze at an average temperature of minus 253 degrees Celsius, not to mention no access to nutrients, water or an energy source.”
After a review NASA’s archived Apollo-era 16 millimeter film – 2011 the explanation is that the equipment was contaminated in the clean room.
The Doctor or contamination? You decide.