River Returns To The Doctor
He said: ‘It does develop nicely and there are huge cliff-hangers throughout the coming series, there’s a great one at the end of episode seven which is a killer, and at the start of the next sort of season as it were, episode eight, we really do learn who she is.’
The 28-year-old actor – who plays the Titular Timelord – has promised viewers they will find out who the mysterious archaeologist (Alex Kingston) but not until the BBC One show takes it’s mid-season break following the seventh episode.
Although Matt can’t give too much away he insists River Song‘s true identity will have “serious” consequences for The Doctor.
Doctor Who’s Alex Kingston (River Song) Says River’s Story Line is Tragic
He explained that River Song’s appearance creates a fun, flirtatious relationship as she knows more about his future than The Doctor does, which makes the Timelord feel very uncomfortable.
He said: ‘It does develop nicely and there are huge cliff-hangers throughout the coming series, there’s a great one at the end of episode seven which is a killer, and at the start of the next sort of season as it were, episode eight, we really do learn who she is.’
Doctor Who’s River Song Returns – Smith Says Serious Consequences for The Doctor
Smith explained River Song : ‘She just kinds of swoops in and swoops out and causes all kinds of madness and havoc and saves his life on most occasions.’
Doctor Who: River & Eleven Fan Videos: Sad & Funny Like Their Relationship
More Doctor Who details here.
Gahh can’t they just get rid of River already! The character has become repetitive and really annoying, not that she wasn’t annoying to begin with. Just get rid of her, she’s one of the worst Doctor Who characters ever.