Article and photos by Suzanne Philips

With the popularity of social media like Facebook and Twitter and the rampant use of Smart Phones, consumers are getting their television and films in different formats than in the past. Viewers are changing the way that they view their entertainment and the industry is trying to adapt. New media company Vuguru ( is leading the way with it’s innovative programming which is accessible from your computer or smart device. Vuguru was founded in 2006 by former Disney Studio Chief Michael Eisner.

Vuguru brought actors, writers and directors from some of their upcoming projects together to talk about working in the new multi-platform media. Athlete turned actor Rick Fox discussed his new project “Off Season: The Lex Morrison Story”. “Off Season” follows franchise basketball player Lex Morrison during his off season and his larger than life antics.

Popular bad guy Ray Wise (Twin Peaks) was on hand to discuss his new post-apocalypic drama “Nuclear Family”. Wise said that he liked the idea that this New Media way of shooting allows the actors to”shoot more quickly than in a typical big budget Hollywood film”. What may take months on a normal film shoot can sometimes take only days on “Nuclear Family”.
“LORD OF THE RINGS” and “Lost” star Dominic Monaghan also feels that this new way of shooting and distributing films is the way of the future. “Right now, there is a slight novelty value … to making a movie that is specifically made for an online release,” Monaghan said. “But I think in the next five to 10 years, everyone will be doing it and this film will be recognized as one of the forerunners. And that’s important to me.” The accelerated shooting pace and the quality of the script were also big draws for the star. Monaghan’s project, “The Millionaire Tour” is a dramatic thriller in which his character picks up a wealthy tourist at the Los Angeles airport and forces them to stop at ATM’s all over town to withdraw money.
The stars hosted a meet and greet with fans after the panel and Vuguru gave away two Ipads as door prizes for attendees. For more information on Vuguru, visit .
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