Doctor Who: Season 7 Set To Air In Fall 2012 – It Is Official

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cybermats,When does the new season of Doctor who start,doctor who,Dr.Who,Karen Gillan,the doctor,amy pond,amy pond actress,Doctor Who cast, dr who characters,River Song,Alex Kingston,Matt Smith,Arthur Darvill,Rory Williams,Caitlin Blackwood,Daisy Lowe,tenza

Doctor Who Magazine has officially confirmed what has been clear for a while now – Series 7 will not air until Autumn 2012.

We have all been wondering,

“When is Doctor Who returning for Season 7?”

Unfortunately, it is going to be a while. We do not have the latest issue of the Doctor Who Magazine, which arrived today, but Doctor Who TV, a UK fan site, has a copy and reported the magazine “officially confirmed” the fall 2012 return of the show.

Take pleasure in the current run of Doctor Who while you can! Sadly, the wait for the next series will be a very long one.

Doctor Who Magazine has officially confirmed what has been clear for a while now – Series 7 will not air until Autumn 2012.”

Because of the  9 month long shoot on the seventh series not beginning until February 2012, it is going going to be impossible to have a Spring start. The very best  we can hope for will be an Easter special which will make  the long wait easier to take. There is no promise of an Easter Special.
Doctor Who’s River Song – Alex Kingston Interview
It seems most likely that only part of Doctor Who Series 7 is going to be aired in the Fall 2012 lineup. The remainder will air the first part of  2013. This means that the Doctor Who Christmas Special 2012  would air in the middle of Series 7 instead of at the end.

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This could possibly mean that 2013 would see Doctor Who: Series 8 airing in time for the Doctor Who: 50th Anniversary.

Doctor Who Season 6 pt 2: The Doctor, River Song and Alex Kingston’s Breasts

Doctor Who TV is predicting the following schedule for Doctor Who Series 7

Easter Special (Maybe)
Autumn – Series 7 Part 1
Christmas Special

Spring – Series 7 Part 2
Autumn – Series 8
Christmas Special
River Song Alex Kingston Doctor Who Amy Pond Karen Gillan

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Author: Losillë
Mother, wife and kinda old.

226 thoughts on “Doctor Who: Season 7 Set To Air In Fall 2012 – It Is Official

  1. Te diviertes siempre y cuando el objetivo de tus veteranos sea que conozcas gente, que conozcas la ciudad, pierdas la vergüenza… Yo he sido testigo de novatadas que se alejan un poco de eso. Sin embargo mi experiencia tampoco fue traumática, pero conozco a otras personas que no lo definirían como el mejor momento de su vida ni como nada entrañable.

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  5. Green did well for the first time in the nba last season after being called up by the nets. We let him go because he was coasting on his athletecism and showed no work ethic until after we cut him. When we signed him he had already been a bust for the Celtics, and you’ll notice teams weren’t exactly clamoring for him over the past few years. That’s why we don’t have Gerald “I can blow out candles on the rim!” Green.

  6. Not sharing the adoration of Star Wars, I thought this was going to be a chore, but it went at Wednesday speed. I didn’t stay with the series long enough for the second actor, but recognizable enough. I will say that, not taking special pleasure, I was more attuned to the clumsy parts of the grid people mentioned and that nasty crossing. I’d certainly heard of Alan LADD, so it wasn’t a hard guess. Still. Let’s say I neither have major complaints nor take special pleasure in it. Just did it quickly and that was that.

  7. , it's a great example because there were a lot of problems with that theory while it was being held up as fact, it's just that no one wanted to do the science involved in figuring out what they were. With global warming, we have a TON of people pointing out problems with the data, but the MSM and the politicians, in fact, anyone who is hellbent on advancing the agenda of Liberalism MUST ignore the questions that may debunk global warming because LIBERALISM must always come first and global warming is currently one of the pillars of Liberalism.

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  9. @Belinda – The items listed above are not articles. They are student projects from a journalism class at the University of Arkansas. They are being linked to here on the Fayetteville Flyer as a showcase of some of the students’ work with photography and captioning.

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