The Celestial Toymaker” is an episode of Doctor Who from the William Hartnell era, and most of the original footage is lost. Gary Zimmer sums up the significance of this early episode of Doctor Who very well: “`The Celestial Toymaker‘ was unlike any previous Doctor Who story. Until then stories had been in either of two very broad categories, historical or science fiction. In a bold departure from this formula the Doctor and his companions find themselves in the realm of the Celestial Toymaker. This is the first time we see the Doctor encounter an enigmatic and immortal being in a place outside of space and time.”
The Toymaker is a lot like a deity of the sort encountered in many religious systems: immortal, whimsical, amoral or at least seemingly above notions of right and wrong, able to command the power to create worlds, and manipulating lesser beings as puppets and playthings.
Read the rest of this article on the Blog of Dr. James F. McGrath, Clarence L. Goodwin Chair in New Testament Language and Literature at Butler University, Indianapolis
Doctor Who: The Celestial Toymaker « Exploring Our Matrix