“Doctor Who” is spinning through the vortex towards his 25th Anniversary of the time we first agreed to join The Doctor in his travels through time and space. Viewers have learned so much about The Doctor that he seems more friend than fictional. “Doctor Who” companions make up a big part of the emotional commitment to “Doctor Who“. The companions become a part of our lives and it breaks our heart when one leaves.
Graph of The Companions of Doctor Who Current To River Song As Melody Pond
“D’you wanna come with me? ‘Cause if you do then I should warn you; you’ll see all sorts of things. Ghosts from the past. Aliens from the future. The day the Earth died in a ball of flame. It won’t be safe, it won’t be quiet and it won’t be calm. But I’ll tell you what it will be; the trip of a lifetime!” The one thing all Whovians agree on is that we would hop into the TARDIS and become his companion in a heart beat. “Doctor Who” has a way of making you want to do something you wouldn’t ordinarily do.
“Doctor Who” fans may argue over who the best companion is, but agree that a companion remains in our hearts for a lifetime. At the end of “Doctor Who” Season 6 Karen Gillan asked in passing if fans would forget about her and Amy Pond, the answer is no. Gillan will always be loved as “the girl who waited”.
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Doctor Who: The Companions & Friends Video Clip Compilation (1963 -2010)
Kyle Anderson at Modern Primate.com has written an impressive article about the companions on “Doctor Who” and how the characters have changed and evolved.
The History of “Doctor Who” Companions
“For nearly 50 years, the Doctor has traveled time and space, righting the various galactic wrongs perpetrated by the likes of the Daleks, Cybermen, and Sontarans, and for nearly all of it, the Doctor has been accompanied by one or more companions, usually young, usually female, and usually from Earth. The companion has existed as long as Doctor Who and has changed throughout history to reflect both the personality of the Doctor and the time in which the show was produced.
The stereotypical companion is a pretty, less-than-genius, screaming-prone girl, however there’s only been a few, albeit conspicuous, examples of this being the case. When the show began, it was a much different story.” Read the rest of the article “Doctor Who” companions article here.
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My all time favorite TV series! And I’m so glad that it’s still active these days. 🙂