Article by Suzanne Philips
Photo copyright Profiles in History
Ever wonder how you would size up to Christopher Reeves’ Superman or Halle Berry’s Storm? You’re invited to come and visit the Profiles in History booth at this year’s Comic Con and interview Joe Maddalena, CEO of Profiles and star of Hollywood Treasure on Syfy. This year the Profiles in History booth, number 1605, will be a Comic Con attendees dream.
They will have Christopher Reeves’ screen used Superman costume and Marlon Brando’s Jor-El costume from Superman: The Movie. From X-Men they will have Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine claws and black leather battle suit, Professor X’s wheel chair and Halle Berry’s Storm battle suit. You’re welcome to ask but we doubt you’ll be able to try them on. Props include, the motorcycle from Ghost Rider as well as their significant collection of items from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory including a Golden Egg, a Golden Ticket and an Everlasting Gobstopper. There will also be plenty of surprises not listed here.
All of these items will be at Profiles in History’s four day Treasures from the Hollywood Vaults auction, July 28-31 in Los Angeles.
Joe Maddalena, born into a family of antique dealers, is now the world’s foremost authenticator of Hollywood memorabilia. From his first baseball card show at 12 to his first big buy, a handwritten letter of Abraham Lincoln dated January 8, 1863 regarding his issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation for $749,000, Profiles in History has become the world’s leading dealer in guaranteed authentic original Hollywood memorabilia, historical autographs, letters, documents, vintage signed photographs and manuscripts. Most recently Profiles in History auctioned off the record setting Debbie Reynold’s Collection. The Marilyn Monroe “Subway” dress from The Seven Year Itch went for $5.52M, the Marilyn Monroe signature red-sequined showgirl gown from Gentlemen Prefer Blondes went for $1.44M and the Audrey Hepburn Ascot Dress from My Fair Ladywent for $4.44M. He also auctioned off the screen used Captain America suit fromCaptain America: The First Avenger for $ 2228,000.