The Heartbreaking Love Story Of Bridegroom Lost: What Would You Do If You Lost It All?

Tom Bridegroom died in an accident.


Tom Bridegroom died in an accident.
Tom died in an accident.

You think nothing could be worse than losing a loved one but it gets much worse if you have no rights.

For more information read BRIDEGROOM – An American Love Story
A Documentary project in Los Angeles, CA by Linda Bloodworth Thomason

Why We Want to Make this Documentary: BRIDEGROOM, will tell the emotional journey of Shane Bitney Crone and Tom Bridegroom, two young men in a loving and committed relationship – a relationship that was cut tragically short by a misstep off the side of a roof. The story of what happened after this accidental death– of how people without the legal protections of marriage can find themselves completely shut out and ostracized– is poignant, enraging and opens a window onto the issue of marriage equality like no speech or lecture ever will.

On May 7, 2012, the anniversary of Tom’s death, Shane made a video tribute to his greatest love entitled “It Could Happen To You.” This film, posted on YouTube, has gotten over 2.7 million hits and inspired over 50 thousand e-mails and comments on YouTube and Facebook. The impact of Shane’s original film and the raw nerve it touched for so many, tells us this is an important story that needs to be told… and told now.

Author: Losillë
Mother, wife and kinda old.

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