Karl Urban Brings “Dredd” To 2012 Comic Con

Article and photos copyright Suzanne Philips/CFM


Karl Urban

Attendees at the 2012 Comic Con in San Diego got a triple dose of “Dredd”.  Star Karl Urban and Lionsgate Films were out in full force to promote the September release of “Dredd: 3D”.  Starting on the Wednesday “preview night” of Comic Com, Lionsgate hosted a screening of press and a few fans at a theatre in downtown San Diego.  Stars Karl Urban and Olivia Thirlby were on hand to introduce the film and attendees loved the gritty drama and 3D violence of the film.  Fans lined up for hours to get a sneak peek at this new “Dredd”, and even though only a handful of them gained admission, they reviews were all positive.

On Thursday, Karl Urban attended the “Masters of the Web” panel and spoke about the project. “We went really hard on this film.” says Urban.  “It’s more realistic (than the prior film version of “Judge Dredd”).  If this becomes one of those instant “cult classic” movies, I am cool with that.  I am really proud of this movie, it fuckin rocks!”

When asked about the new “Star Trek” film, Karl had this to say “J.J. (Abrams) is an excellent genius and there is seriously nobody that is directing like J.J. He is incredible.  And for me just going to work every day and work with the likes of Chris and Zack and Simon Pegg, you just don’t stop laughing all day long.  I feel really blessed.”  When asked who the villain was going to be in the new film, Urban pulled out a strip of tape that had “Dredd” written on it and put it over his mouth saying that J.J. Abrams had instructed him to do so if he was asked that question.

The following day, Lionsgate hosted an autograph signing at their booth and fans lined up three rows deep to get a chance to say hi to Karl Urban and Olivia Thirlby.  Both were in good spirits and seemed to enjoy talking to the fans who had waited for hours to meet them.  Lionsgate provided huge “Dredd” posters and badges for those in attendance.


See Karl in all his “Dredd” finery when the film opens in 3D in the U.S. on September 21st.


Author: Suzanne Philips
Film, TV, Theatre reviewer. Mad Dance Skillz, Crazy in a good way.

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