Article by Suzanne Philips Photo copyright Syfy
The 2012 Las Vegas Paracon starts this Saturday and another great guest has just been added to the line-up: Jason Gates from Syfy’s “Haunted Collector”!
Jason Gates spent most of his life in Colorado and Idaho. He developed an interest in the paranormal at a very young age, pursuing legends in an effort to debunk them. It was not until he had a very strong personal experience that his interest changed from curiosity to a quest for the truth. Jason joined the California-based paranormal group, Paranormal EXP. This group focused on trying to find scientific evidence to either support or refute the existence of spirits. Now part of John Zaffis’s team, he is excited to learn from John, as well as help people in need. Jason believes that there is something out there, yet approaches every investigation as a skeptic hoping to be surprised. Jason acts as a researcher and investigator on Syfy’s “Haunted Collector”.
Come out to Bonnie Springs Ranch this weekend to meet Jason and the rest of the great guests. If you still need tickets, go to .
CFM will be bringing you full coverage of the event so check back for updates!