Justin Wilczynski of Hollywood Heights and Bonnie Dune

"The biggest thing to happen when I was growing up there was Wal-Mart was built, and we used to go and hang out at Wal-Mart."
"The biggest thing to happen when I was growing up there was Wal-Mart was built, and we used to go and hang out at Wal-Mart."
“The biggest thing to happen when I was growing up there was Wal-Mart was built, and we used to go and hang out at Wal-Mart.”

Justin Wilczynski is an up and coming actor, musician and a model.  Wilczynski befriended Cory Monteith of Glee on the set of the show Kaya. Justin collaborated with Cory to re-start his old band Bonnie Dune.  Wilczynski lead singer/rhythm guitar, started the band with childhood friends while growing up in Paso Robles, California.

Rekindling their love of music, Bonnie Dune has performed shows in Los Angeles, Canada and Pennsylvania. Most recently Justin Wilczynski played Tyler Rorke on Nike at Nite’s Hollywood Heights (2012). We were able to have an exclusive chat with the rising star to get an update for his plans for 2013.


First off is Hollywood Heights is coming back for a second season?

“Hollywood Heights will definitely not be coming back.”

Do you see yourself as an actor/singer/or model?

“I guess all of them. All 3. Because I’m already doing it all. As a musician, I’ll always be playing music. So I’ll always consider myself a musician. Hopefully I’ll be acting for a long time. But I don’t do one or the other. Modeling is something that pays the bills.”

 Cory Monteith (Glee’s Fin) Photos 1/24/11

Do you see yourself in more films or television shows?

“Sure, doing both. I have more experience doing television. It’s definitely more consistent. I’d like to see myself (Justin) doing more television. “

Have you ever thought about doing do comedy? Or be in an action/super-hero film?

“I think that would be fun. Sure why not? I don’t think I’ve been type casted, because I haven’t worked enough. I tend to always go out for the bad guy or the angry guy because that’s pretty much all I’ve done so far, and what most people have seen me doing. I’m auditioning for another character that’s actually the bad guy role. I’m really up to try anything. I have to say that auditioning for comedy is the hardest thing I’ve ever done. It’s a lot harder than people think. When I go out to comedy stuff it doesn’t feel as natural to me as playing other parts I’ve done in the past. “

Justin Wilczynski  lead singer Bonnie Dune.
Justin Wilczynski lead singer Bonnie Dune.


You’ve recently been tweeting a lot. Do you feel like this is a good platform to reach out to your fan base?

“I’m still trying to get the hang of it. It’s been like a year now since I’ve had Twitter and Instagram. I guess I just want it to be interesting and not just random things and tweeting about day to day things like some people. But definitely keeping people updated with the inside scoop going on.”

Have you ever thought about posting YouTube videos?

“No. I like to keep my private life really private. I’d like to keep my personality as private if possible as well. I think something happens when you get to know somebody via internet, YouTube, twitter, is you know them too well. You almost feel like you know them and it takes away from the person playing a character whether it being on television, or film or on stage. At least for me there are some artists that in the past I’ve felt like they’ve been paparazzi-ed so much and interviewed so much that their personality is so well known it’s hard really. It’s like your really good friend trying to be serious, but I know them too well, so I can’t take them serious kind of thing. I guess I’m trying to be a little discreet about what I put out there.”

You recently traveled to Nashville, TN to record Bonnie Dune tracks. How is the album process coming along?

“I actually worked on tacking. Cory (Monteith), and Josh (Kerr) tracked out here in LA (Los Angeles) at the recording studio. Then I (Justin) worked with a longtime friend co-writer Jason Massey out in Nashville for a couple of weeks. Then worked on producing the album.

Because ever body’s schedule didn’t work out we couldn’t do it all together in Nashville. We did part of it in LA. Then I went out to Nashville and was there for a little over two weeks. I recorded all the vocals. The rest of my guitars and any little production we did out there. We actually haven’t heard the mix yet on the EP. Anxious because I was supposed to hear the songs last week but the mixer/producer is still working on the mix. Hopefully we can get that released. I’m hoping in June.

We’ll probably end up releasing a song off it before then. Not sure what song yet but most likely “Endless Summer”. That’s the song everyone has been wanting for a long time. We’ve been playing it for a while we just never ended up recording it. I think that’s a realistic time period to have that goal of being available early Summer, and getting all our stuff together before then.

Glee Cast Photos and Spoilers From Paleyfest 2011

The LOST EP is on iTunes. Will songs that you’ve performed live make it to a new album like “Burn it Down” or “Endless Summer”?

“Yes, we have “Free” “Burn It Down” “Endless Summer” ”Shadow of a Man” a new song called “Maybe Tonight” And another song called “Long Way Back”

We recorded 8 songs and we are only going to release 6. (As for) The other 2 not sure if we are going to save for single releases or if they’ll be on our next EP or not. Not really sure but we’ll see.”


A lot of your fans travel from all over to watch you guys. What bands did you/would you travel for?

“The only times I’ve traveled to see a band is local bands. I went to Lollapalooza to see Florence and the Machine and Black Keys and Delta Spirit. But I’ve seen Delta Spirit out here in LA. I can’t say I’ve actually traveled somewhere for a certain band mostly because bands always tour LA. When I was younger I used to travel a lot to see Jimmy Eat World when I was in high school and Weezer actually. When I was in middle school, my close friends that were older that drove ended up doing road trips to see Weezer. I’ve seen Weezer more than any other band.”


What bands inspire you at the moment?

“It changes all the time but I have to say a lot of country. There’s a band called “Little Big Town”.

Currently inspired by the production of their album and the way they write songs. I have to say “Little Big Town” right now which kind of sounds weird. I mean I’m always inspired by older music but there is not a lot of newer bands that I listen to that I’m inspired by. I guess Delta Spirit is one of them. I know the drummer of that band pretty well. I’ve seen them from when they first started as a band until now. I think they are one of the best live bands I’ve ever seen. Every time I see them live, that’s really inspiring as far as their live shows go. So yeah I’d have to say Delta Spirit.

Where would you like to see Bonnie Dune tour?

“I would love to do a U.S./Canadian tour. It’s tough with Cory’s (Monteith) schedule. We defiantly will have a thing planned for this Summer. We were planning on doing something last Summer and we actually had shows booked and everything. Then I ended up booking Hollywood Heights and wasn’t able to do it. That was a bummer because that was the first time everybody else could and I couldn’t.”

Is Bonnie Dune planning on making a music video?

“Yes. Actually. We are doing a video for “Strange Ways” in a couple of weeks. I don’t want to give too much of it away but it’s going to be a very different type of video. Most likely will just be me (Justin) in the video. That really wasn’t my choice. It was the choice of the song and the fit, then trying to figure out a concept where we all could in it. It just really didn’t work. That’s the first video we are going to do. And we will be doing a video for, I’m thinking “Maybe Tonight”. (That) Will be our first full band video. That will probably be release with the EP.”

Justin Wilczynski

  • One show you want to be a guest star on? Nashville
  • Guilty pleasure? Ice Cream
  • Dream tour location? New York
  • Corniest pick-up line you’ve used? I was just talking to my friend about this today. It’s not something I’ve ever used. The worst pick up line is a guy coming up to a girl and says “Hey you kind of look like my ex-wife”
  • High five or fist bump? High five
  • Most embarrassing moment? Getting pants in high school
  • Favorite food? Cheese burgers
  • Favorite thing to cook? Cheese burgers

What can fans expect for you in the future/2013?

“I want them to know that we are still working really hard. It’s hard for us with our schedules. I hope everybody understands that. I still work every day. I sing every day. I try to as much as possible. I am hoping that when we are ready to do that tour and release the album that people are still interested.”


You can follow Justin Wilczynski on his Twitter @JustinFlewAway

You can follow Bonnie Dune on Twitter @bonnie_dune

Like Bonnie Dune’s Facebook page at www.facebook.com/bonniedune

You can purchase the LOST EP on iTunes at: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/the-lost-ep/id534639229

Justin Wilczynski plays the conniving bad boy, Tyler on Hollywood Heights. Wilczynski grew up on a ranch in Paso Robles, California and fell into acting by accident. Although he moved to Los Angeles after high school to pursue music, he ended up booking a commercial when he went along on an audition with a friend and was asked to audition. Learn more about Justin Wilczynski 

Author: Tafriha

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