Moonwalking Shetland Pony Videos – Pony Mixer – Make Your Own Dancing Pony Video

A pony wearing an Afro dancing to "Play That Funky White Boy".
A pony wearing an Afro dancing to "Play That Funky White Boy".
A pony wearing an Afro dancing to “Play That Funky White Boy”.

Videos starring the moonwalking Shetland pony!

That is a pony. A pony in an Afro. A pony in an Afro dancing.

A pony wearing Afro dancing. My video.

A video of moon walking Shetland pony got my attention! In this original ad, created by Wieden + Kennedy London, a Shetland pony moonwalks to Fleetwood Mac’s “Everywhere”. The YouTube video posted 1 week ago has over 4 million views and counting. The ad which ends with  “Silly stuff. It Matters” is part of Three Internet company’s ongoing “Keep on internetting” campaign.

Three – The Pony #DancePonyDance

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You have a choice of music when you make your pony video. Go to The Pony be patient, the app to make the video takes a minute to load. Pick out the music style you like, Boy Band, Hip Hop, Love, Rock, Bollywood and more. Then pick the accessories for your pony from the items below genre.

I love my Bollywood pony Tattu. It was disappointing that I didn’t get to put the video on my YouTube channel. This link is nice but still. I wanted to keep it.

Generic Bollywood pony video.

With the pony mixer you can customize your pony and music. Why? Because Silly Stuff Matters.
With the pony mixer you can customize your pony and music. Why? Because Silly Stuff Matters.

Mine is Dawg~ the hip hop pony.

Author: Losillë
Mother, wife and kinda old.