Comedienne and Paranormal Investigator Karen Rontowski to serve as MC for 2013 Las Vegas Paracon to be held August 23-25 at Binion’s Gambling Hall in Las Vegas, Nevada.

When Comedienne Karen Rontowski is not entertaining live audiences, she is looking for dead ones.
Karen’s night job is stand-up comedy and her later night job is that of a Paranormal Investigator. Mixing comedy with the paranormal she performs at the top ParaCons including: Frontier ParaCon (Stanley Hotel , Colorado), LA Supernatural Summit (Glen Tavern, Santa Clarita, CA), Phenominology 105 (Gettysburg, PA) and Saint Mary’s ParaCon (Virginia City, NV). She recently opened for Britt Griffith of SyFy’s Ghost Hunters at the Pasadena Playhouse. She also was lead investigator and Paranormal Consultant for the independent film “Four Square” after the film crew found a few extra voices on their movie audio track.
She is a frequent Paranormal Expert Guest on Blog Talk Radio, New Dissident Radio, LA Talk Radio, Ztalk, Paranormal Edge, and is the Comedy/Paranormal Reporter for Altered States.
A 20-year tarot reader, Reiki Master, and team member of Paranormal Investigation Group Spirit Rescue and X Paranormal, Rontowski likes to involve the supernatural/spiritual side of the trek in her ghost hunts. Though the best evidence comes from recorders, cameras, EMF meters, the most memorable paranormal experiences are often based on how the hunters
felt and what unfamiliar and interesting things they tuned into on a psychic level.
To get your tickets for the 2013 Las Vegas Paracon, visit