We are going to give a lucky fan a free copy of “Wild Things with Dominic Monaghan” Season 1 and a digital copy of Digital Scars by radiosepia. If you already have a copy of Season 1 but would like to join in the fun we will give you an Amazon gift card* that you can use to purchase any domolicious thing you like.
It took a while but I finally came up with a contest.
It is called The Shameless Self Promotion Contest.
How to win “Wild Things with Dominic Monaghan” Season 1
- You can enter as many times as you like.
- Enter everyday.
- Don’t do anything illegal.
How it works. Each time you enter, your name will be given a number. At the end of the contest a computer program will pick a number. The name corresponding to the number will win.
- Billy Bob Bupkus
- Rosalita
- Domsfavoritefan
- Pixadillydaisy
- Atellite
Like that.
CFM has signed a limited representation contract with the band radiosepia. We want you to help us introduce radiosepia (Dominic Monaghan’s most favorite band right beside Beecake) to the world and demonstrate that I (Losillë) have incredibly awesome good taste in music.
1. Watch any radiosepia video on YouTube and leave a nice comment. Each time you comment, your YouTube username will get entered 5 times. Tweet
The name of the video your YouTube user name to me @CFMNewsGroup http://cfmmusicscene.com
2. Follow radiosepia on Twitter for 5 entries. https://twitter.com/radiosepia Then copy and tweet
I followed radiosepia. @CFMNewsGroup http://cfmmusicscene.com
3. Copy and tweet this everyday for one entry.
I follow radiosepia https://twitter.com/radiosepia and Dominic Monaghan https://twitter.com/DomsWildThings @losillelamb http://cfmmusicscene.com
4. Copy and tweet this everyday for one entry.
Win “Wild Things With Dominic Monaghan” Season One | CFM! Entertainment News http://cfmmusicscene.com/2013/06/dominic-monaghan-wild-things-season-one-give-away/ #dominicmonaghan @CFMNewsGroup
5. Copy and tweet this everyday for one entry.
CFM Entertainment News http://cfmmusicscene.com @losillelamb
6. Copy and tweet this everyday for one entry.
radiosepia Lower Case r and a Glockenspiel Pure Awesomeness | CFM! Entertainment News http://cfmmusicscene.com/2013/05/music-review-radiosepia-lower-case-r-and-a-glockenspiel-pure-awesomeness/ @CFMNewsGroup
7. Ringers 5 points for copying and tweeting
We wants to win “Wild Things With Dominic Monaghan” Season 1 Precious http://cfmmusicscene.com/2013/06/dominic-monaghan-wild-things-season-one-give-away/ @CFMNewsGroup
8. For 15 entries everyday post the link to this article`anywhere on the web. You can click on the Share button over to the left of this post for auto post.
Right click on the time you posted the link. Copy that link location and tweet that link to me.
For instance. I posted a link to Tumbler.
radiosepia on CFM Entertainment http://YourTumblerProfile.tumblr.com/post/123456789/music-review-radiosepia-lower-case-r-and-a @CFMNewsGroup
or this
radiosepia on CFM Entertainment https://www.facebook.com/YourFacebookProfile/posts/1234567890 @CFMNewsGroup
9. For 15 entries everyday post this link “http://cfmmusicscene.com/2013/05/music-review-radiosepia-lower-case-r-and-a-glockenspiel-pure-awesomeness/” anywhere on the web.
Right click on the time you posted the link. Copy that link location and tweet that link to me. For instance. I posted a link to Tumbler.
radiosepia on CFM Entertainment http://YourTumblerProfile.tumblr.com/post/123456789/music-review-radiosepia-lower-case-r-and-a @losillelamb
or this
radiosepia on CFM Entertainment https://www.facebook.com/YourFacebookProfile/posts/1234567890 @losillelamb
10. For 25 entries Like radiosepia on Facebook and leave a nice comment. https://www.facebook.com/radiosepia
11. For 25 entries Like CFM on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/pages/CFM-Music-Scene-and-Entertainment-News/175120638267 leave this comment.
Win “Wild Things With Dominic Monaghan” Season 1 http://cfmmusicscene.com/2013/06/dominic-monaghan-wild-things-season-one-give-away/ @CFMNewsGroup
12. For 5 entries everyday leave a nice comment below.
Radiosepia band members are:
Matt Monaghan (Manchester, UK)– Guitar and Voice
Manu López (Canary Islands) – Bass and Voice
Marta Torres (Barcelona) – Violin
Enric Ponsa (Barcelona) – Percussion/Drums.
‘The Evil Seed’ (Buffalo, USA) – Mandolin/Xylo
Radiosepia plays melodic, atmospheric, original songs in an alternative style, with strong folk/acoustic influences. Based in, but by no means anchored to, Barcelona, Spain – the band play regular gigs, in atmospheric and eccentric venues – places that suit their style.