Article and Photos Copyright Stefanie Sherwood/CFM

With the new TV series Gotham premiering this September 22nd on Fox, San Diego Comic Con was buzzing with excitement. The zip line behind the convention center was a big hit, the fans who were brave enough to zip across the Gotham skyline were given a photo to remember their courage as well as other prizes such as the lenticular Gotham badges. Fox and Uber teamed up to give attendees free rides, for the first $30, in a Gotham PD car. Gotham even took over the trolleys, each car decorated with Gotham decals.

Lucky fans that were able to get into Hall H on Saturday the 26th were treated to a screening of the pilot episode, along with a screening of the pilot episode of The Flash and the season premier episode of Arrow. Q & A followed the screening with Gotham’s actors Donal Logue (Detective Henry Bullock), David Mazouz (Bruce Wayne), Ben McKenzie (Detective James Gordon), Jada Pinkett Smith (Fish Mooney), Robin Lord Taylor (Oswald Cobblepot), Camren Bicondova (Selina Kyle), Erin Richards (Barbara Kean) and excutive producers Bruno Heller and Danny Cannon. The cast and crew held two different autograph sessions earlier that same day, greeting fans at both the Fox booth and the CW booth. Those with wristbands were allowed to praticipate in the autograph sessions, and even then, the cast stayed longer than was promised so that they could get through as many fans as they could.
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