Wizard World Comic Con Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA (9th – 10th May) hosted Doctor Who’s Ten David Tennant and companion Billie Piper (Rose Tyler).
Whoniverse Five City Tour in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia (9th – 17th May) hosted Doctor Who’s Eleven Matt Smith, companion Freema Agyeman (Martha Jones) and Alex Kingston (The Doctor’s Wife, Melody Pond, River Song, Melody Malone).
Tenth Doctor, David Tennant has a fabulous sense of humor. When Whovian alums are at different cons on the same weekend he couldn’t resist a funny, popularity throw down.
David Tennant : “We’re killing it up her in Philly. They love us in Philly. I think they prefer us to you. That’s very much the vibe that we’re getting.”
Matt Smith : “Tennant, Piper, hello. We see your video and we raise your video dude.”
Alex Kingston : “Our video is so much better than your video.”
David Tennant : “Matt, Freema, Alex. So you sent a video from your Australian convention – oh look at us we’ve got thousands of friends here – all cheering and whooping and showing off. Well I’m in Philadelphia and behind these walls is all of Philadelphia, about 4.5 million people ready to tell you how popular we are. But i don’t need to show you that… You just have to trust me.”
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