The show “Brigsby Bear Adventures” is a children’s television program produced for an audience of one: James Pope. When the series abruptly ends, Pope’s life changes forever as he sets out to finish the story line himself. To do that, he must learn how to cope with the realities of a new world that he knows nothing about.
2017 ‧ Drama film/Comedy ‧ 1h 40m
86% Rotten Tomatoes
7.6/10 IMDb
64% Metacritic
The best way to see Dave McCary’s terrific directorial début [amazon_textlink asin=’B0749HZ6TG’ text=’Brigsby Bear’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’cfmmusscean03-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’e2045456-73ec-11e7-9fac-35219065df59′] is without knowing anything whatsoever about the story. The specific way it unfolds invites a lot of “What’s going on, and what does it mean?” conjecture from the audience. It’s more fun to watch than to… Continue reading…
This article originally appeared on The Verge
Rosalita Moog (curated content)