The challenge was to have EVERYONE put #ReasonableDoubt in EVERY tweet or retweet on Wednesday August 9th, 10th and 11th, that referred to Reasonable Doubt. Any post or anyone that did not use the hashtag was not counted.
Some of you did not use #ReasonableDoubt. Yes. I am looking at you. You know better.
Using a hashtag makes it easy to see how the show is engaging people on twitter.
Estimated Reach For #ReasonableDoubt
The estimated overall reach of tweets in this report.
106,488 accounts reached
Exposure is the number of overall impressions generated by tweets in this report – the total number of times tweets were delivered to timelines (including repeats).
1,445,813 impressions
Top Contributors
In order to be included in this section, a person must have tweeted #ReasonableDoubt at least once in this report. The top three contributors in this report are:
- Highest Exposure – The contributor who generated the highest exposure from direct impressions.
- Most Retweeted – The contributor who received the most retweets.
- Most Mentioned – The contributor who was mentioned the most times.
Most Retweeted Tweets
This report was complied on Tweet Reach.